Get Certified as Competent Public Health Practitioner
The final qualifying examination is fixed for June and December annually. Interested persons must have completed all academic, clinical, and practical requirements successfully of any educational qualification; either in Public Health or any Health related field from a recognized training institution.
The Licentiate Membership category is for the holders of the National Diploma, and Professional Diploma respectively in Public Health. The professional prestigious designatory letter for this category is (RPHP) Register Public Health Practitioner Kindly send the application letter to or download the application and index forms or index form (foreign) if foreign-trained.
Associate membership is open to the holders of bachelor of public health and or licentiate members that may upgrade the membership status our professional prestigious designatory letters for this category is (APHP) associate public health practitioner Kindly send application letter to Interested persons are to download the direct membership and index forms or index form (foreign) if foreign trained.
Full membership is open to the holders of master in public health or holders of associate membership certificate in not less than five years experience. the professional prestigous designatory letters of this category is (PHP) public health practitioner Kindly send application letter to Interested persons are to write an enquiry to the email address to obtain the form.
Fellow membership is the highest membership category of the association which is open to the holders of P.hD ade medical doctors or professional whith vast public health experience our professional prestigious designatory letters for this category is (FPHP) fellow public health practitioner Kindly send application letter to Interested persons are to download the direct membership and index forms or index form (foreign) if foreign trained.
This is mainly for schools, colleges, training centers, research center, universities, hospitals etc. Kindly send application letter to